If you don't see an answer to your question, you can send us an email from our contact form
Our working hours are from 9AM - 5PM (GMT+7).
All email will be processed on business days from 9AM to 5PM (GMT +7) within a maximum of 48 hours from receipt of the message.
The time range is not in the business day, please wait within 48 hours on the business day.
We are on vacations. When we are back, we will shortly reply your email / comment.
You don't include Purchase Code on the email for Asking Support.
You asked for support to us, but don't have a Purchase Badges on the username. We don't support any user who don't bough from us. If you buy the product from us, please use the username that has a Purchase Badges on it at CodeCanyon.
You can send us an email to [email protected] if you have any bugs, errors or problems on our product. Don't forget to include your Purchase Code on the email.
Once we do an update, we will inform all of our customers by email that they used to buy the product. Customers can download the item again from the Download Page on CodeCanyon.